
What a week. Beyond that, I don't really know what to write or say.

I imagine, if you're like me, you're still reeling from the week's events, trying to make some sense of things. Reading, listening, watching, talking to your peeps. If you cannot focus or function well, you are not alone. You are human and awake. In times like these, I don't think it serves us well to just get on with life, carry on like normal. This is not normal.

You had/have great hopes for this year, for certain changes coming our way. Before Wednesday, I talked with folks feeling more hopeful than they have in a long time, like this mental, emotional, and spiritual space had been freed up for more creative, generative, and life-giving pursuits. Perhaps you had begun naming some intentions, laying down new rhythms in this year. What now?

You may have seen this post on Facebook: I'd like to cancel by subscription to 2021. I've experienced the free 7-day trial and I'm not interested. :)

How do we begin to process the events of this week, much less the events of the past year or longer? How do we make our way with hope and faith and love into 2021 when we feel despair, anger, and potentially contempt for those who are so radically different than us? How are we going to heal our hearts, our families, our nation?

I'm thankful my work is not to provide answers, but to provide space for our deepest questions, feelings, longings and fears. To create community where folks hold that space for themselves and others, listening and caring deeply for one another. To curate wisdom from sacred literature that helps us get our bearings and find our way. To teach and encourage spiritual rhythms that keep us grounded in the Love of God. To help each and all of us discern what is ours to do, even in a time like this.

So that is what I will continue to offer. I do believe when we feel overwhelmed and troubled by what's going on, one of the most loving things we can do for ourselves and others is pause from the overload of news and information, and take time for prayer and reflection. I still have space in Sunday's Sacred Pause Retreat if you'd like to join us. And the Deep Waters Worship Circle will begin again next Tuesday evening, introducing and reflecting on the theme of Another Way, which feels even more timely than when I first prayerfully pondered it last Fall. Or you may want to consider coming for one-on-one conversation. Just know, I would welcome the opportunity to support you in your own search for God, for truth, justice, compassion, joy and meaning, all the things I believe God desperately wants for us and for our travailing world.

In the meantime, I join you in longing, hope and prayer for our wounded nation.

With persistent hope,
