A Coronavirus Parable

A contemporary take on the parable of the drowning man.

A woman was on her laptop during a global pandemic.  She was praying to God for help.

Momentarily, a friend sent her an article about the risks of the virus, recommending they not meet for lunch as planned and instead practice social distancing.  The woman replied, “That’s fine for you, but I am not afraid.  I’m praying to God and he will protect me.”

Then she turned on the news and saw the CDC recommendations about washing one’s hands and avoiding large gatherings.  She thought to herself, “Hogwash.  I’ve said my prayers and God will protect me.  I’ve got faith.”

She went on Facebook and read about all the school closures, event cancellations, and people working from home.  She prayed for all those hysterical people, posted a Bible verse about God’s protection and came up with a meme about God flattening the curve.

She went about business as usual, caught the virus, died and went to Heaven. She finally got a chance to discuss this whole situation with God, at which point she exclaimed, “I had faith in you God, but you didn’t protect me.  How could you let me get the virus and die?”

To this God replied, “I sent you friends, information, and clear guidance to keep yourself and others safe.  What more did you expect?”

I believe fervently in prayer and miracles.  I also believe God speaks through friends and family, journalists, scientists and health care professionals.  Sadly, ignoring them in this case, not only puts ourselves but also others at risk.  And I think causing harm or even death to someone else would be a grievous burden to bear.  So please, during this time of crisis, let’s pray fervently.  Let’s also wash our hands and keep our distance.  For love of God and neighbor.