A Spiritual & Political Support Group for this Election Season

              Every Other Tuesday, 6-7:30 pm, IN PERSON at Deep Waters at North Decatur UMC OR Via Zoom

Aug 27, Sept 10 & 24, Oct 8 & 22, and Nov 12 (Six Sessions Total)

America feels more combustible and frightening than ever.  At times, it feels like we are living in separate realities, with completely different visions, values, and even facts, leading to troubling tensions if not outright estrangement in our families, workplaces, and communities.  Instead of seeking “a more perfect union,” it feels like our beloved country is coming apart at the seams, locked in endless, embittered us-versus-them conflicts.

As people of faith, we know we are called beyond hatred and division to love and reconciliation.  But it has never seemed more difficult to “love our enemies and pray for those who persecute us,” (Matt 5:44) to tear down the dividing walls of hostility among us (Eph 2:14), to “let no evil talk come out of our mouths, but only what is useful for building up” (Eph 4:29).  If we’re honest, it’s tempting to blame and scapegoat “them,” to accept false binaries, and to stay trapped in a morass of fear, rage and despair. 

Is there another way to be human, Christian and  American?  How do we take responsibility for our part in the current state of affairs, check our own impulses toward hatred and dehumanization of the other?  How do we engage in politics in healthy, non-violent ways, rather than checking out or arming up?  How do we practice our faith during this high stakes, high fear election season? 

In this spiritual and political support group, we will reflect on our call to be peacemakers and justice advocates without losing our minds or souls. Through grounding prayer and practices in active listening, nonviolent communication, and faithful advocacy, we will support and encourage one another, and draw on our faith to see us through this fraught election.   

Suggested Donation:  $125 ($95 for FLOW Subscribers and NDUMC members) for all six sessions; $25 per session pop-in rate

To Register:   Contact Kimberly at kgbroerman@yahoo.com or (404) 275-3328 by August 21.