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Hard and Holy Conversation: Enneagram Wisdom for Relationships and Communication

After the election, and just in time for the holidays, you're invited to a workshop about how to connect and communicate with other people in your circles. There are so many things - social media, toxic polarization, and the pandemic--that have taken a toll on our relationships. But we long for belonging and connection - places where we can be and express our real selves and respect and love others being themselves, even when we're really different. Yet such dialogues, whether in our families, workplaces, on social media or elsewhere, often devolve into heated, even hurtful exchanges. How we do we seek mutual understanding and respect in our relationships, clear the space between us when it gets mucked up, and communicate in healthy, healing ways?

The Enneagram offers us so much wisdom, not only for understanding ourselves, but also understanding others.  With different personalities come different ways of communicating, and different ways of approaching disagreement and conflict.  It shows us both the gifts and challenges we bring to our own relationships and conversation.  It can also reveal the significant differences between us, that may often lead to misunderstanding and conflict, but when recognized, can at least be understood and honored, rather than becoming fuel for animosity and hurtful exchanges.

In this workshops, you will:

  • Review the Enneagram system of personalities

  • Deepen understanding of your own personality, particularly how you communicate and approach conflict

  • Examine patterns of communication and conflict based on personality types

  • Practice active listening and constructive dialogue

  • Reflect on your own relationships and dialogues and how you might change those dynamics

Location: Avondale Estates (disclosed upon registration)

Investment:      $75, includes light dinner + materials   

To register: Email or call Kimberly ( or 404-275-3328)   

Space is limited, so RSVP today!