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Agnostics Anonymous Small Group

A group for seekers and skeptics, doubters and the disillusioned (basically, all of us, if we’re honest)

Meeting Wednesday’s in June

June 2, 9, 16, 23, 30

7-8:30 pm 

Via Zoom

We grow up believing certain things.

Then life happens. 

Things don’t go as planned.  People we love disappoint or hurt us.  We ourselves struggle and suffer.  Everyone and everything we love eventually dies, often too soon.  We read the Bible and the news.  We become disillusioned about people and politics, religion, and yes, God.

It can feel like we lose our way in a dark wood.

But what if it’s God’s invitation to a deeper, more beautiful journey?

In this group, we’ll explore how our doubt and disillusionment, our yearnings and questions can be gift and invitation to seek a more authentic faith and life.  Through the sharing of our own journeys, reading and reflecting on Brian McLaren’s newest book Faith after Doubt:  Why Your Beliefs Stopped Working and What to Do About It, and practices of prayer and meditation, we will offer one another sacred presence and radical hospitality for our searching. Come find acceptance, grounding, and inspiration for deepening your spiritual journey.

Cost:  $95 for five group sessions (You will order book on your own)

To Register:  Call or email Kimberly at 404.275.3328 or

Come as you are.  Bring your questions, doubts and curiosity.  All are welcome.