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Lenten Retreat - Prone to Wander

I’ve always loved this line for the truth it reveals about our humanity.

We are prone to wander . .. away from God, away from others, away from our souls.

We are prone to go our own way and then get lost and confused, or make a real mess of things.

Thankfully, we can return.

And we can seek to realign our lives with God’s love and truth.

This to me is the power of Lent.

This Lenten retreat is designed to help us to honestly examine how we’ve wandered and wondered, and how to return to the God we love (or how to love a God we are still coming to know). Come from wherever you’ve wandered into sacred space for a time of prayer and reflection in the companioning presence of other seekers. Through guided reflection with scripture and other sacred texts, personal prayer and meditation time, and searching conversation, we are invited to take stock of our journey and our human experience together, to tell the truth about the ways we’ve wandered, for good and for naught, and to seek to live in harmony with God and others.

Suggested Donation: $25 (payable via Venmo, Zelle or Paypal)

To Register: Contact Kimberly at or 404-275-3328

Space is limited; sign up today!