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Racism Recovery Group

Thursday Evenings, 7-8:30 pm

June 25, July 2, 9 and 16, 2020

In light of the two pandemics-- coronavirus and racism--plaguing our nation, many of us are hungry for meaningful connection, and for healing and transformation as individuals and as a country.  Perhaps this extraordinary moment in our history is just the time for us to wake up, and do our part for the healing of our own souls and the painful legacy of racism in America.

I invite you to join me and other strugglers in growing our racial consciousness, healing our own racism, and training in becoming anti-racist allies. 

We will meet each Thursday evening via Zoom to share our stories and our struggles, our pain and our hope. In between our meetings, we will take part in the 21-Day Racial Equity Challenge, inspired by Eddie Moore and adapted by many churches,where we will read, watch, listen to something each day,and be invited to reflect, engage, and act more consciously.