5:00 PM17:00

Advent Quiet Night - Light in the Darkness

The world feels so dark right now.  How in the world do we continue to be people of the Light?  Come away from the news and noise, busyness and chaos, and join Kimberly and other seekers, for a nourishing meal, and time of contemplative worship, sacred readings, quiet reflection and conversation in community, seeking the Light the darkness cannot overcome.  

Cost:  $50 ($40 for FLOW subscribers/NDUMC members) - Includes light dinner, retreat guide, and art materials

To Register:  Please contact Kimberly at 404-275-3328 or

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What Now?  Post-Election Healing Circle
10:00 AM10:00

What Now? Post-Election Healing Circle

Sanctuary and Solidarity Now and for the Journey Ahead

Saturday, November 16, 2024, 10 am-1:30 pm

North Decatur UMC

The devastating end to another contentious election cycle brings a holy host of feelings – shock and grief, rage and fear. How do we welcome all that we feel, seek healing, and begin to move forward into an uncertain future? What is ours to be and do (and not do) in the days ahead? 

In hard times, we need community and we need God. We need to remember who and Whose we are, what we know deep in our hearts and souls, what resources and gifts we have for healing ourselves, one another, and our wounded world. We need sanctuary, solidarity and nourishment, to give us succor and strength for the journey ahead.

Come join in this special morning gathering with others who are struggling, to find comfort and encouragement, strength, hope and wisdom for the way ahead.  We will hold space for all that we are feeling, listen with sacred scriptures and poems, songs and prayers, ground in prayer and spiritual practices, engage in authentic and and searching conversation, and enjoy a comforting meal, all in the service of seeking the healing balm and guiding light we desperately need in these uncertain days.

Contact Kimberly for more details or to sign up. 

No charge; you may offer a donation to Deep Waters if you would like to help cover the meal, and the ongoing work of offering safe and healing space.

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Politically Active Christians Support Group
7:00 PM19:00

Politically Active Christians Support Group

Second and Fourth Tuesdays, 5:30- 7 pm, in person at Deep Waters Center at NDUMC

Aug 27, Sept 10 & 24, Oct 8 & 22, and Nov 12 (Six Sessions Total)

Anxious about this election season?  Join the club!  Or rather this support group aimed at keeping us Prayerfully rooted, Actively engaged, and Connected in community, in ways consistent with our Christian faith and values.  Join the group for all six sessions, or come when you can.  Click here for more details.  Email Kimberly at to sign up.

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God & Country Movie Screening and Dialogue
5:30 PM17:30

God & Country Movie Screening and Dialogue

What is Christian Nationalism? How is it a threat to both Christianity and American democracy? What can we do about it?

Join us for the screening of this poignant documentary (See more details, including the Trailer), followed by a discussion, with light dinner of soup and salad, of the movie's themes, and how we can seek an alternative way to be Christian and patriotic.

RSVP to Kimberly.

Suggestion Donation: $10 for movie + dinner

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Wellsprings Evening Prayer
7:00 PM19:00

Wellsprings Evening Prayer

First and Third Tuesdays, 7-8 pm

Virtual via Zoom

A communal time of silence and sharing, reflection with scripture, poetry and other sacred texts, and various forms of prayer and meditation. This year, we are reading What Makes You Come Alive: A Spiritual Walk with Howard Thurman by Lerita Coleman Brown, reflecting with one chapter per month.

Click here for more about Wellsprings, or email Kimberly to receive the emails with Zoom link.

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Hard and Holy Conversation:  Enneagram Wisdom for Relationships and Communication
2:00 PM14:00

Hard and Holy Conversation: Enneagram Wisdom for Relationships and Communication

After the election, and just in time for the holidays, you're invited to a workshop about how to connect and communicate with other people in your circles. There are so many things - social media, toxic polarization, and the pandemic--that have taken a toll on our relationships. But we long for belonging and connection - places where we can be and express our real selves and respect and love others being themselves, even when we're really different. Yet such dialogues, whether in our families, workplaces, on social media or elsewhere, often devolve into heated, even hurtful exchanges. How we do we seek mutual understanding and respect in our relationships, clear the space between us when it gets mucked up, and communicate in healthy, healing ways?

The Enneagram offers us so much wisdom, not only for understanding ourselves, but also understanding others.  With different personalities come different ways of communicating, and different ways of approaching disagreement and conflict.  It shows us both the gifts and challenges we bring to our own relationships and conversation.  It can also reveal the significant differences between us, that may often lead to misunderstanding and conflict, but when recognized, can at least be understood and honored, rather than becoming fuel for animosity and hurtful exchanges.

In this workshops, you will:

  • Review the Enneagram system of personalities

  • Deepen understanding of your own personality, particularly how you communicate and approach conflict

  • Examine patterns of communication and conflict based on personality types

  • Practice active listening and constructive dialogue

  • Reflect on your own relationships and dialogues and how you might change those dynamics

Location: Avondale Estates (disclosed upon registration)

Investment:      $75, includes light dinner + materials   

To register: Email or call Kimberly ( or 404-275-3328)   

Space is limited, so RSVP today!   

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Understanding Ourselves and Others:  An Introduction to the Enneagram
10:00 AM10:00

Understanding Ourselves and Others: An Introduction to the Enneagram

The Enneagram is a centuries-old, and now widely used system of self-understanding based on nine distinct but interrelated personality types.  Beyond helping you understand yourself and others better, the Enneagram is also a powerful tool for developing your spiritual life.   It can help you identify your primary worldview and gifts, struggles and anxieties, as well as provide a map and resources for your transformation.  Presenting truth about who you are and why you do the things you do, the Enneagram can help you move from compulsion to compassion, from woundedness to healing and wholeness, impacting multiple dimensions of your life from your relationships and work life to your spirituality and church experience.

This VIRTUAL workshop will provide an introduction to the Enneagram system of understanding humanity, an overview of the nine types, typing for participants and ideas and resources for navigating our emotional and spiritual lives.  Come discover this rich and complex way of understanding people and of growing in humility, wisdom, and compassion.

Location: ZOOM (link shared upon registration)

Investment:           Virtual - $50   

To register: Email or call Kimberly ( or 404-275-3328)   

Space is limited, so RSVP today!   

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1:00 PM13:00

Sacred Pause Retreat - Getting Back in the Flow

Whether you've had a restful, renewing Summer, or are still trying to find your new rhythm after moving out of pandemic mode, the time feels ripe to make a fresh start.  How can spiritual community and practice support your life flowing with more ease and grace, purpose and meaning?     

Come away from your regular schedule and responsibilities, and give yourself the gift of prayerful time and space.   In this seasonal mini-retreat, we'll have some guided prayer, reflection and conversation about how to develop and sustain a rhythm of prayer that is true and life-giving.  Participants will also receive a prayer basket with everything you need to create a flow of your own at home. 

Cost:  $45 - Includes refreshments, materials and prayer basket

To Register:  Please contact Kimberly at 404-275-3328 or

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7:00 PM19:00

Wellsprings Contemplative Prayer Circle

Second and Fourth Tuesdays LIVE at Atlanta Friends Meeting House

First and Third Tuesdays VIRTUAL via Zoom

Join our lovely intimate community of seekers who show up to one another and to God every Tuesday to join in prayer, reflection, and meditation. We sit and listen together. We read and reflect on texts from scripture, poetry, and other sacred writings. We sing and listen to inspiring music. We share our real struggles and concerns, as well as our joys and gratitudes. We hold silence and space for one another. We laugh. We pray. We seek to know and be known, to love and be loved. We keep on searching, stretching, stumbling toward Mystery and Grace.

Click here to learn more about Wellsprings or here to let Kimberly know you’re coming.

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to Jun 30

Agnostics Anonymous Small Group

A group for seekers and skeptics, doubters and the disillusioned (basically, all of us, if we’re honest)

Meeting Wednesday’s in June

June 2, 9, 16, 23, 30

7-8:30 pm 

Via Zoom

We grow up believing certain things.

Then life happens. 

Things don’t go as planned.  People we love disappoint or hurt us.  We ourselves struggle and suffer.  Everyone and everything we love eventually dies, often too soon.  We read the Bible and the news.  We become disillusioned about people and politics, religion, and yes, God.

It can feel like we lose our way in a dark wood.

But what if it’s God’s invitation to a deeper, more beautiful journey?

In this group, we’ll explore how our doubt and disillusionment, our yearnings and questions can be gift and invitation to seek a more authentic faith and life.  Through the sharing of our own journeys, reading and reflecting on Brian McLaren’s newest book Faith after Doubt:  Why Your Beliefs Stopped Working and What to Do About It, and practices of prayer and meditation, we will offer one another sacred presence and radical hospitality for our searching. Come find acceptance, grounding, and inspiration for deepening your spiritual journey.

Cost:  $95 for five group sessions (You will order book on your own)

To Register:  Call or email Kimberly at 404.275.3328 or

Come as you are.  Bring your questions, doubts and curiosity.  All are welcome.        

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2:00 PM14:00

Spring Sacred Pause Retreat - Life After

In our first IN-PERSON Sacred Pause retreat since January 2020, we will pause to take in the immensity of living through this pandemic. What are we still grieving? What have been the gifts, the grace and growth that have come our way through this unprecedented crisis? And how do we want to live on the other side? How has this experience shaped our faith for the ongoing journey?

Spread out in a beautiful Druid Hills back yard, with a prayer labyrinth lovingly created during this last year, we will listen and share, pray and reflect, guided by scripture, poetry, reflection questions and ritual. Come join a community of fellow seekers as we welcome all that is stirring within us, and pray together for new birthings of God's creative, life-giving Spirit through and among us on this Pentecost Sabbath.

Suggested Donation:  $30 

To Register:   Contact Kimberly at or 404.275.3328 to reserve your place.

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3:00 PM15:00

Lenten Retreat - Prone to Wander

I’ve always loved this line for the truth it reveals about our humanity.

We are prone to wander . .. away from God, away from others, away from our souls.

We are prone to go our own way and then get lost and confused, or make a real mess of things.

Thankfully, we can return.

And we can seek to realign our lives with God’s love and truth.

This to me is the power of Lent.

This Lenten retreat is designed to help us to honestly examine how we’ve wandered and wondered, and how to return to the God we love (or how to love a God we are still coming to know). Come from wherever you’ve wandered into sacred space for a time of prayer and reflection in the companioning presence of other seekers. Through guided reflection with scripture and other sacred texts, personal prayer and meditation time, and searching conversation, we are invited to take stock of our journey and our human experience together, to tell the truth about the ways we’ve wandered, for good and for naught, and to seek to live in harmony with God and others.

Suggested Donation: $25 (payable via Venmo, Zelle or Paypal)

To Register: Contact Kimberly at or 404-275-3328

Space is limited; sign up today!

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3:00 PM15:00

New Year's Retreat - Welcoming Newness

We don't know exactly what 2021 will hold, but it will bring some significant changes. As we move into what many believe will be a hard winter with the pandemic, we also have hopes and fears associated with the newly released vaccination We will welcome our new President, vice President, and administration, whether they were our chosen candidates or not. What will these transitions mean for us and our nation? In what sense are we hoping for newness, and what are we wanting and needing to let go? And how we can we more intentional about our daily rhythms, such that our lives have space for the new?

A new year is always ripe for prayerful reflection, and this one feels especially so. So give yourself the gift of some time and space set apart, in the presence of Love and a supportive community, to discern your way into 2021. In this Sacred Pause retreat, we'll have some guided prayer, reflection and conversation about how we set a course for the new year that is true and life-giving, ready to welcome the New.

Suggested Donation: $25 (payable via Venmo, Zelle or Paypal)

To Register: Contact Kimberly at or 404-275-3328

Space is limited; sign up today!

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7:00 PM19:00

Racism Recovery Group

Thursday Evenings, 7-8:30 pm

June 25, July 2, 9 and 16, 2020

In light of the two pandemics-- coronavirus and racism--plaguing our nation, many of us are hungry for meaningful connection, and for healing and transformation as individuals and as a country.  Perhaps this extraordinary moment in our history is just the time for us to wake up, and do our part for the healing of our own souls and the painful legacy of racism in America.

I invite you to join me and other strugglers in growing our racial consciousness, healing our own racism, and training in becoming anti-racist allies. 

We will meet each Thursday evening via Zoom to share our stories and our struggles, our pain and our hope. In between our meetings, we will take part in the 21-Day Racial Equity Challenge, inspired by Eddie Moore and adapted by many churches,where we will read, watch, listen to something each day,and be invited to reflect, engage, and act more consciously.

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3:30 PM15:30

What Is Mine to Do? A Pop-Up Conversation about Race

If you are struggling to know how to respond to the events of the past week and the underlying racism , with the complex mix of feelings and uncomfortable truths that can rage within after a week like this . . .

I invite you to join me and others for an honest, searching conversation about where we are and where we feel convicted and stirred to do more.

Email me to let me know of your interest and I will respond with  a Zoom link and password.  Feel free to invite others who may be searching for a place to process and for direction.

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12:30 PM12:30

Lenten Sacred Pause Retreat - The Sacred Work of Grief

There is so much to grieve. Whether it's one huge loss, or a thousand small disappointments, ruptures, and hurts. It could be the loss of a beloved, a change of relationship, the death of a long-held dream, the slow diminishment of our soul. Not to mention, our collective anguish over the state of affairs in our families, our democracy and our planet. It's all enough to break your heart.  

And yet, our culture often pushes us instead to deny the pain, distract or numb ourselves, just get over and on with it. But we can't and we don't. Not without great cost to ourselves and our collective well-being. We have to grieve things through. And Lent is a good time to tell the truth about all that is killing us and to grieve our wounds, in anticipation of the healing and new life promised in resurrection.  

I invite you to come away from your own distractions to the peace and quiet of Amerson House for a time of prayer and reflection in the companioning presence of other seekers. Through guided reflection with scripture and other sacred texts, a nourishing meal, meditative walking, journaling, creative expression, ritual, and silent meditation, you are invited to give space and voice to the wounds and burdens you bear, and to experience the grace of release in the safety of sacred space and community.

Cost:  $35 ($25 for St. Bart’s members) - includes lunch and materials.

To Register:   Contact Kimberly at or 404.275.3328

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10:00 AM10:00

Women's Spirituality Group - Extending the Table: Realizing a More Spacious, Inclusive Spirituality

Every other Friday Morning, 10:00 am – 12:00 pm; Jan 25-May 17, 2019 (9 sessions total)

In this season’s Women’s Spirituality Group, we will engage together in a robust and searching conversation about what it means to follow the way of Jesus in a post-Trump America.    Through the sharing of our own journeys toward a more spacious and inclusive spirituality, the reading of pastor and popular blogger John Pavlovitz’s book A Bigger Table:  Building Messy, Authentic, and Hopeful Spiritual Community, and practices of prayer and meditation, we will seek to be and build the kind of community we believe God wants, guided by the values Pavlovitz commends:  radical hospitality, total authenticity, true diversity, and agenda-free community.  Come find grounding, hope, and inspiration for living in these disturbing times.

Learn more here.

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10:00 AM10:00

Moms Morning In

Mother’s Morning In is a monthly gathering to help moms find the connection, care, and guidance we crave to stay true to our own needs and desires, while caring for our little ones.  Each month, we will have time to share the joys and struggles of being a mom, then engage in dialogue about a topic related to self-care and wise parenting.  Come enjoy some kid-free time to nourish yourself, connect with other women, and receive support, encouragement and wisdom to be your amazing mom self.

Cost:  $10 per session; Childcare available for additional $10 for first child, $5 per additional child

RSVP:  Email Kimberly to sign up

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10:00 AM10:00

Moms Morning In

Mother’s Morning In is a monthly gathering to help moms find the connection, care, and guidance we crave to stay true to our own needs and desires, while caring for our little ones.  Each month, we will have time to share the joys and struggles of being a mom, then engage in dialogue about a topic related to self-care and wise parenting.  Come enjoy some kid-free time to nourish yourself, connect with other women, and receive support, encouragement and wisdom to be your amazing mom self.

Cost:  $20 per session; Childcare available for additional $10 for first child, $5 per additional child

RSVP:  Email Kimberly to sign up

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6:30 PM18:30

Fall Feast

Hungering for authentic community and meaningful conversations?

You are invited to share a sacred meal and participate in dialogue about questions and concerns that get at the essence of what it means to be human, and to live with faith, meaning and purpose in today’s world.

Each season, you’ll be served a menu of local, seasonal food, inspiring readings, and thought-provoking questions to nourish mind, body, and spirit.


Read more here.

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10:00 AM10:00

Moms Morning In

Mother’s Morning In is a monthly gathering to help moms find the connection, care, and guidance we crave to stay true to our own needs and desires, while caring for our little ones.  Each month, we will have time to share the joys and struggles of being a mom, then engage in dialogue about a topic related to self-care and wise parenting.  Come enjoy some kid-free time to nourish yourself, connect with other women, and receive support, encouragement and wisdom to be your amazing mom self.

Cost:  $20 per session; Childcare available for additional $10 for first child, $5 per additional child

RSVP:  Email Kimberly to sign up

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10:00 AM10:00

Moms Morning In

Mother’s Morning In is a monthly gathering to help moms find the connection, care, and guidance we crave to stay true to our own needs and desires, while caring for our little ones.  Each month, we will have time to share the joys and struggles of being a mom, then engage in dialogue about a topic related to self-care and wise parenting.  Come enjoy some kid-free time to nourish yourself, connect with other women, and receive support, encouragement and wisdom to be your amazing mom self.

Cost:  $20 per session

RSVP:  Email Kimberly to sign up

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12:30 PM12:30

Moms Mini Retreat

The back-to-school push can be especially tiring and draining.  This nourishing, restorative mini-retreat is designed especially for moms to help us slow down, breathe deeply, connect with other moms, remember who we are, and discern the self-care we need to live and parent with presence, wisdom and joy.

Cost:  $30 includes lunch

RSVP:  Space is limited.  Email Kimberly to sign up.

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